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WY Secretary of State Expresses Support For Legislation Requiring Proof Of U.S. Citizenship To Register To Vote

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With six months to go before the next election in November, Wyoming Secretary of State Chuck Gray is expressing his support for the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act, otherwise known as the SAVE Act, which was recently introduced in the United States House of Representatives. The SAVE Act ensures only U.S. Citizens vote in elections for federal office by requiring documentary proof of United States Citizenship at the time of voter registration.

“I am in complete and 100% support of the SAVE Act,” Secretary Gray said. “Only U.S. Citizens should be voting. With the ongoing Biden-created crisis at the southern border affecting each and every state, including Wyoming, creating safeguards to prevent illegal aliens from voting is paramount to election integrity, and national security. Our office previously adopted amendments to our Election Procedures that would have required proof of Wyoming residency and prevented illegal immigrants from registering to vote in Wyoming, but these were vetoed by the Governor. In light of the Governor’s veto of our proposed rules, it is now more important than ever that government at all levels ensure appropriate safeguards to ensure only U.S. citizens, not illegal aliens, are voting.”

Addressing his role as the chief election official of Wyoming, and Wyoming’s status under the National Voter Registration Act, Secretary Gray noted that “it is extremely important that election officials in all 50 states speak up and support these measures to protect federal elections. Although Wyoming’s exemption from the current requirements of the National Voter Registration Act would remain, the SAVE Act’s requirement that all states, including those exempt under the NVRA, must require documentary proof of U.S. Citizenship for registering to vote, ensures careful tailoring and precise requirements to safeguard Wyoming’s elections from the Biden-created federal crisis at the southern border.”

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