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Senator John Barrasso Announces He Will Run For Senate Minority Whip

Senators Barrasso, McConnell

Wyoming’s senior Senator says he won’t run for GOP leader, instead opting to be the number two person in charge as Minority Whip.

Currently the number three Senate Republican, John Barrasso said in a release that for the GOP to succeed in the future, the party needs to “break from where they are now” and will choose transparency if he’s elected as the number two guy, over behind-closed-door deals that DC is infamously known for.  In his media release, Barrasso expressed his decision came after much reflection, “on how I might best serve the Republican Conference and our country,” coming to the decision to he will “ask my colleagues for their support and help to work for them as the Assistant Republican Leader.”

Last week, Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell announced that he would be stepping down after almost two decades as the Republican leader in the Senate in November.  Speculation swirled around the Capitol as to who would McConnell’s place.

Senator Barrasso has been associated with a clique in the GOP for years, known as “The Three John’s” who are comprised of Republican Senators John Thune (South Dakota), and John Cornyn (Texas), and Barrasso himself, that many speculated would succeed Senator McConnell in the leadership position in the Senate.

Barrasso had been in the mix for leader for the GOP in the Senate, but Republicans can only pursue one position in the party leadership at a time. 
Meanwhile, Senator McConnell said he would retire from his position as leader in the Senate, but not his seat, after the election in November.






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