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Representative Harriet Hageman Introduces Bi-Cameral Bill To Combat Energy Poverty

Representative Harriet Hageman (R-WY) joined Mac Watson from “Mac In The Morning” to talk about the Biden Impeachment Inquiry being opened, Kevin McCarthy’s job security as Speaker of the House, and to discuss her new bill that would stop the federal government “inflicting energy poverty on the American people.”  The bill introduced by Rep. Hageman and Senator Dan Sullivan is entitled, the Energy Poverty Prevention and Accountability Act.

The bill requires reviews of existing energy laws and regulations to determine if they are adversely impacting energy prices, and establishes metrics to ensure future laws and regulations do not inflict energy poverty on at risk communities. This legislation responds directly to President Biden’s targeting of resource producing states like Wyoming at the expense of all Americans who benefit from reliable and affordable energy.

Rep. Hageman says, “Supply versus demand is the most basic economic concept. Yet, Congressional majorities and presidential administrations led by climate crazed politicians, rather than statesmen, , have artificially destroyed supply while demand for energy resources continues to grow. Whether it was President Biden or Obama, Speaker Pelosi or Leader Schumer, these so-called leaders have waged war against American coal and oil and gas, all the while knowing they cannot replace the very energy resources they are undermining.

These same officials roll out strategies promoting “environmental justice” and “economic equity” (while never defining either).  Yet, it is ultimately our fellow Americans who struggle to make ends meet when the price at the pump goes up, energy bills reach record highs, and the grocery bill doubles. My bill would expose this culture of false promises by requiring the government to disclose how it currently and in the future will inflict disparate economic pain on at-risk communities across this country.

America’s natural beauty comes from our clean, abundant resources which has provided a quality of life and level of prosperity humanity has never previously seen. Today, Americans suffer from government-imposed wretchedness, and we must chart a new course. The Energy Poverty Prevention and Accountability Act will empower the People and their elected representatives to identify those bad actors intentionally turning off the lights, while holding these officials and their policies accountable. Reform is needed, and this legislation will identify the perpetrators of this government created crisis.”

Listen to the full interview below:

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