February 29th was a different day for many reasons.  It is the day known as “Leap Day” on the Gregorian calendar that happens every four years and keeps us humans on track for counting the correct days during the calendar year as we spin around the sun every 365 days (plus one every four years!).

But it was a different day at Livingston Elementary School as they celebrated Leap Into Reading Day.

Leap Into Reading Day is the brain-child of Livingston’s principal, Allison Lewis, who came up with the program as another way to get kids interested in reading.

Politicians, athletes, and other “local personalities” came in at different times of the day to read to a few books to students from all different grades.

Yellowstone Quake hockey players, Superintendent Vernon Orndorff, as well as Mayor Matt Hall, and other prominent members of the community took the time to read books to children of all grade levels from a vast selection of titles that were spread out in the school’s library table.

Principal Lewis appeared on “Speak Your Piece” on KODI back in January and during the interview, invited Mac Watson, host of “Mac In The Morning” on KODI, to come and read to the kids. After Mac accepted Lewis’ invitation, she thought it would be a wonderful idea to invite outstanding members in the community to come and share their love of reading with “Livvy” students as well.

Watson, a big proponent of reading to your kids, says, “It’s was a no-brainer for me to go and read to kids.  I love doing it and I found that reading to my own kids is a great way to interact with them and keep them engaged in wanting to read new and more challenging books.”

More than 20 people participated in Leap Into Reading Day.