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Counterfeit Money Circulating Cody According to Police Department

The Cody Police Department has released a statement on their Facebook page about numerous reports of counterfeit $100 bills in the community.

“The Cody Police Department has received several reports of counterfeit one hundred-dollar bills. We would like to inform you about the issue of counterfeit money and how to protect yourself from becoming a victim of fraud.

Counterfeit money is fake currency that is produced by someone other than the government. It is illegal to make, use, or possess counterfeit money. Counterfeiters try to deceive people into accepting fake bills as real ones. If you receive counterfeit money, you will not be reimbursed by the authorities.
Counterfeit money can be hard to detect, but there are some ways to spot it. Here are some tips to help you identify real money from fake money:
• Feel the paper. Real money has a slightly rough texture and slightly raised ink. Fake money may feel smooth or flat.
• See the light. Hold the bill up to a light source and look for a security thread embedded in the paper. The thread should have the denomination of the bill printed on it and change color under ultraviolet light.
• Tilt the bill. Look for color-shifting ink on the front of the bill. The number in the lower right corner should change from copper to green when you move the bill.
• Examine the details. Use a magnifying glass to look for microprinting on the bill. You should see tiny words or numbers on various parts of the bill, such as the portrait, the border, or the ribbon.
If you suspect that you have received counterfeit money, do not accept it or pass it on to someone else. Report it to the police immediately and keep a record of where and when you got it. Do not try to confront or apprehend the person who gave you the fake money.
We hope this message helps you stay safe and avoid being scammed by counterfeiters. For more information on how to detect counterfeit money, please visit
To report counterfeit money, please contact the Cody Police Department at (307) 527-8720.

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