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Cody High School Alpine Ski Team Have High Expectations

The 2024 Cody High School Alpine Skiing Team begin compaction in Casper the 11th and 12th of January.

Practice began before Thanksgiving on November 20th.

KODI was able to talk with Head Coach Taylor Hensen about the team.

We discussed participation, the number of athletes, what practices look like, who is the top competition in the State and team expectations.

KODI also talked with All-State Skier Logan Ross about the upcoming season, his expectations, his practice mentality, and his passion for the sport.

Sophomore Adaya Whitelock talked with us about her skiing career, her expectations, how she approaches her runs, and her joy for the sport.

Listen to the KODI interviews and see the upcoming seasons schedule.

Photos provided by the Cody High School Alpine Skiing Facebook page.

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