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Wyoming’s Senators: Barrasso Travels While Enzi Prepares

Sen. Barrasso with Wyo Guard Troops in Qatar

It’s a tale of two senators – one continues an annual tradition of his service, while another prepares to comment on the end of his service.

John Barrasso, the soon-to-be senior Wyoming senator, crossed an ocean and a few continents to celebrate Thanksgiving with members of the Wyoming Air National Guard.

Senator Barrasso spent the holiday with the 153rd Airlift Wing and 187th Aeromedical Evacuation Squadron, currently stationed in Qatar. Their current mission is to support airlift operations and medical evacuations in the Middle East.

This continues a tradition the senator has made since assuming office – spending every Thanksgiving with Wyoming soldiers stationed overseas. It’s an occasion which he always enjoyed as its his chance to personally express his thanks.

“Spending Thanksgiving with Wyoming troops serving overseas is a tradition I look forward to every year. Thanksgiving is a time to reflect on the people and things we’re most thankful for. So much of our gratitude goes to the brave Wyoming men and women serving our country overseas.”

“This year the holidays will look quite a bit different for most Americans. This is especially true for the members of the Wyoming Air National Guard deployed in Qatar. Despite the unique challenges this year brings, they continue to do a remarkable job keeping America and our allies safe. It was wonderful to share a meal with them and bring a little bit of home to them this holiday season.”

The senator also received a briefing from military officials on ongoing operations in the Middle East.

Meanwhile, Senator Mike Enzi prepares to speak on the floor of the U.S. Senate one final time.

Enzi’s farewell address is scheduled to be delivered on the Senate floor on Wednesday, Dec. 2 at 2:45 p.m. EST, 12:45 p.m. in Wyoming. This time may change if the Senate’s schedule is altered.

In May 2019, Enzi announced his retirement after serving four terms as a U.S. Senator, first elected to succeed Alan Simpson in 1996. During that time, he has served as Chair of the Senate Budget Committee and the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee.

Former U.S. Representative Cynthia Lummis was elected to his seat in the 2020 General Election. She will assume her duties on the same day Enzi officially steps down – Jan. 3, 2020.

You can watch Senator Enzi’s farewell address on the U.S. Senate’s Floor Webcast, hosted by CSPAN.

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