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Wyoming Wildlife Federation Sees Success in 2020 Budget Session

With all the talks of budget cuts and funding allocations, how did the 2020 Legislative budget pan out for wildlife conservation?

The Wyoming Wildlife Federation collected the highlights of the session, and what impact it will have on the future of conservation in the state. The most significant accomplishment might be the increased financial support for wildlife highway crossings. A new budget amendment will raise $3 million dollars for minimizing roadway collisions, and both license plates and stamps will soon be available for purchase to raise additional funding for this specific endeavor.

Several passed bills will lead into increased access to the recreation opportunities provided by wildlife, including firearm and hunter education being offered as a high school elective in the state’s high schools, free archery license for archers who are 75 years and older, and permitting the sale of lifetime hunting licenses to certain senior citizens and honorably discharged veterans.

The Wyoming Wildlife Federation also worked hard to ensure several flawed bills were not passed until their purposes are better refined and don’t inhibit people or animals. Overall, they fulfilled their goals and count the 2020 budget session as a success for their organization and all of Wyoming’s sportsmen and irreplaceable wildlife.

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