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Wyoming Submits Revised Hemp Plan to USDA

Wyoming is once again making its case for hemp.

The Wyoming Department of Agriculture submitted its revised state plan for delegated authority to regulate the hemp industry to the United States Department of Agriculture. The USDA established the U.S. Domestic Hemp Production Program in October of 2019, based on the Farm Bill Congress passed in 2018. Wyoming submitted its plan in April of last year, but it was withdrawn for revision, in order to meet the standards of the new program. The revised bill was submitted within the 60 days set by the USDA.

From there, it’s just a waiting game. The USDA has 60 days to review and make their decision on Wyoming’s hemp plan. The goal is to have approval before the 2020 growing season. This is a quick timeline, but the Wyoming Department of Agriculture is confident their plan will be deemed sufficient for USDA authorization. Hopefully, Wyoming’s producers and processors will have enough time to incorporate hemp into their 2020 growing plans.

For more information and updates on hemp in Wyoming and to read the WDA Hemp Regulatory Program Proposal submitted to USDA, visit

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