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Where to Get Gas in Yellowstone? A Guide to Yellowstone Gas Stations

Deciding Where to Get Gas in Yellowstone

It’s a question virtually every visitor to Yellowstone National Park asks before or during their visit, and knowing the locations of (as well as distances between) Yellowstone gas stations is crucial to planning your itinerary.

Most Yellowstone visitors see the park from within their vehicles, and motorized travel is how the vast majority of people get through the park, so it’s wise to know where you’ll stop next to fill your tank.

There are a few service stations within the park, but it’s also important to know where you can get gas outside Yellowstone if you’re going to be driving home at the end of your visit.

Here’s a list of Yellowstone gas stations and a comprehensive guide regarding where to get gas in Yellowstone as well as the surrounding area.

You Can Find Yellowstone Gas Stations in Most Developed Areas

But “most” doesn’t mean “all,” so it’s always best to start each day in Yellowstone National Park with a full tank of gas. That way, you don’t have to panic when it comes to deciding where to get gas in Yellowstone.

In all honesty, once you know where to get gas in Yellowstone, it’s extremely unlikely that you’d run out of gas inside the park, since there just aren’t that many miles in between Yellowstone gas stations. The park can definitely make you feel isolated at times — and that’s one of the best things about it — but you can always count on a service station being within short to medium driving distance.

You can get gas at the service stations located in these developed areas of Yellowstone during the specified operating season:

  • Canyon Village (April 21-October 31)
  • Fishing Bridge (May 19-October 1)
  • Mammoth Hot Springs (May 5-October 8)
  • Old Faithful (April 28-October 22)
  • Tower-Roosevelt (June 2-September 4)
  • Grant Village (May 26-September 17)

Keep in mind that changing weather conditions, road work, and other factors may close Yellowstone roads or restrict access to certain areas, including Yellowstone gas stations. Before you visit Yellowstone, check out the park’s road information page to see the current status of Yellowstone’s roads, as this can impact your decision about where to get gas in Yellowstone.

Where to Get Gas Near Yellowstone?

As one might expect, there are gas stations in most of the gateway communities surrounding Yellowstone National Park. But, depending on which park entrance you use, you should be prepared for a bit driving before you reach the next service station.

Here’s a list of the five Yellowstone entrances and the closest gas stations near Yellowstone:

  • West Entrance: Multiple gas stations in West Yellowstone, Montana, just a few minutes outside the park.
  • South Entrance: Several miles outside the park, there’s gas at Flagg Ranch, located on the west side before US 191 crosses the Snake River.
  • East Entrance: There used to be gas at Pahaska Teepee Resort, just about two miles outside the park, but the tanks were removed several years ago. Now, the closest gas to Yellowstone along US 14/16/20 is at Red Barn, located in Wapiti, 33 miles outside Yellowstone.
  • Northeast Entrance: The closest community is Silver Gate, but the nearest gas station is actually in Cooke City, just three miles further along US 212.
  • North Entrance: As with the West Entrance, gas is just a few minutes away from the North Entrance in the community of Gardiner, Montana.

A couple of additional notes:

  • Regarding the East Entrance: Red Barn is a fantastic place to stop for gas and a snack or ice cream while you take in the sights of the gorgeous Wapiti Valley. But keep in mind, it’s still fairly isolated, the offerings aren’t as expansive as what you’d find at developed areas within Yellowstone National Park or gateway communities. For additional services, consider driving for another 20 minutes or so until you reach Cody, Wyoming.
  • The same is true of the South Entrance; expect limited services immediately outside the park boundary. However, once you cross into Grand Teton National Park, you can find things like groceries and souveniers at Colter Bay. For more, keep going until you hit Jackson, Wyoming.

Once you know where to find Yellowstone gas stations, driving through Yellowstone National Park is quite an experience. You’ll take in wonderful scenery and get a glimpse of the park’s iconic wildlife.

Still, there are a few factors that make driving in Yellowstone a unique experience. It pays to know before you go, so check out our list of helpful tips for driving in Yellowstone.

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