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What’s In My Mouth Round One: Peepsi

How to make the sugar filled drink your friends and family is sure to love.

As we all know Peeps and Pepsi teamed to make a marshmallow flavored soda just in time for Easter this year. The only way to get your hands on the soda was to enter a contest. So we decided we will just make our own instead of trying to be one in 3000 to win. It is made of two things. Can’t be that hard right? Pepsi and Peeps easy enough.

For the first time ever of playing “What’s In My Mouth” we thought this would be perfect with Easter a few days away. This will be a game we will play weekly. On Monday and Tuesday we will give you an ingredient in what ever the food or drink maybe, and on Wednesday we will try it!


At 5 Am this morning is when the magic started. I got a large pitcher type thing and poured the Pepsi in first. That is step one. Then I started dropping the Peeps in one by one. Step two. Step three watch and wait. Almost right away it started to kind of bubble as you can see in the picture. What was kind of cute at first when the Peeps were floating and bobbing around was not so cute anymore. They soon began to melt in the soda in weird sad way.

After two hours of being in the soda bath it was time to try it. Check out the video here of how it went! Pretty sure you can tell we will not be having this with our Easter dinner or ever again. Give it a try with our loved ones and coworkers and let us know how it goes! We had a few coworkers try it too and some actually liked it while others not so much. Watch for those videos coming soon they are a hoot. “What’s In My Mouth” a fun game to play for everyone!

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