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WATCH: Skier in Romania Chased Down Mountain By Bear

In a pretty unbelievable turn of events, a skier was caught on video being chased by a bear while onlookers on a nearby ski lift tried to help.

Courtesy of footage from Daniel Jenei, Rares Capitan, and Abc 7 News, the dramatic video can be seen along with interviews from witnesses.  There had apparently been multiple bear sightings near the ski resort earlier in the day before this event went down.

While people on the ski lift tried to yell at the bear to distract it, what ended up actually working is when the skier dropped their backpack to distract the bear.  As a result of this quick thinking, they were able to get away unharmed.

This is something you’d never expect to happen because ski resorts are pretty populated with people, but this bear seemed unafraid.  Luckily for this skier, it was only a close call.

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