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WATCH: Semi Truck Battles Strong Wyoming Wind and Strong Language


An absolutely wild video has emerged of a semi truck battling the notorious winds of Wyoming.

The video begins with a driver filming a semi truck that seems to be struggling against the wind. Despite this, the truck continues to go fast and pass other vehicles. The driver filming apparently is also an experienced truck driver who has battled these Wyoming winds.

In this video, the driver filming fears the worst and eventually the semi truck catches a wind gust and tips over taking down another semi in the process. The driver filming darts around the truck and checks to make sure the driver of the semi is okay.

This video provides a lesson that you should never try and fight the Wyoming winds. In a situation like this best, it’s better to just slow down a bit to lower the possibility of an accident.

Wyoming winds are notoriously powerful and just last week in Atlantic City, winds as strong as 119 miles per hour were reported. That’s as strong as a category 3 hurricane.

Driving in Wyoming wind becomes even more dangerous when there are snowy conditions.  Check out some helpful snow driving tips for this winter linked below.

Helpful Driving Tips To Keep in Mind This Winter Season

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