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University of Wyoming Gets $3 Million from Department of Energy

The University of Wyoming receives over $3 million from the Department of Energy to further the production of rare-earth elements and other critical minerals.

This funding is part of the nation’s continued efforts to transition to clean energy. Rare earth minerals are vital to manufacturing batteries, magnets, and other components in clean energy.

The United States continues to operate with a meager supply of these critical natural resources. Creating a domestic supply is crucial and something in which the Department of Energy is more than willing to invest.

“The very same fossil fuel communities that have powered our nation for decades can be at the forefront of the clean energy economy by producing the critical minerals needed to build electric vehicles, wind turbines, and so much more,” said Secretary of Energy Jennifer M. Granholm. “By building clean energy products here at home, we’re securing the supply chain for the innovative solutions needed to reach net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 – all while creating good-paying jobs in all parts of America.”

Thirteen projects were selected by the Department of Energy, receiving a combined $19 million. Furthermore, all the money will go into communities that traditionally relied on fossil fuels as their main economic driver.

The University of Wyoming received funding to continue its resource development in basins across Wyoming, Colorado, and Montana.

Powder River Basin (Montana and Wyoming)

  • University of Wyoming (Laramie, Wyoming) aims to provide an economic benefit to the Powder River Basin of Wyoming and Montana by stimulating new resource development around the nation’s largest coal mines. DOE Funding: $1,499,817

Green River — Wind River Basin (Colorado and Wyoming)

  • University of Wyoming (Laramie, Wyoming) aims to develop and catalyze regional economic growth, job creation, and technology innovation in the Greater Green River Basin/Wind River Basin of Wyoming and Colorado by increasing the supply of rare earth elements and critical minerals to manufacturers of non-fuel carbon-based products and products reliant upon critical minerals. DOE Funding: $1,499,647

No other single entity received as much DOE funding as the University of Wyoming.

The Powder River Basin continues to deal with heavy hits in a changing world. Reduced coal demand and declining profits have led to massive layoffs.

Both the State of Wyoming and the University of Wyoming are investing in new industries to find new uses for coal and keep coal communities afloat in the changing energy landscape.

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