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The West at its Best – Cowboy Rides His Bronco into Convenience Store

Sometimes, you just want to ride your horse into a gas station to pick up your Coke and chips and gallop out without anyone saying anything.

And ya know what, that is completely okay!

Well maybe don’t take my advice on that as most stores including this one would ask that you keep the trusty steed OUTside of the shop but around here this is not completely out of the ordinary. This store made it clear they’d love the man to come back as long as that condition is met.

The unidentified man took his horse perusing around the store quite gracefully as not one Red Bull exploded nor one droppling dropped in his short trip in the store.

What this video of some cowgirls taking their horses through the Chick-fil-a drive through. Or I guess in this case it would be a ride-thru!

Around these parts we see cowboys and cowgirls keeping their way of life evident throughout everything they do and that is something this country made need more of.

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