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That’s a Wrap – Wyoming’s “Hollywood” Rebate Bill Doesn’t Make the Cut

House Bill 92 would have incentivized film and T.V. productions by giving them rebates rather than “free money,” but – once again – the Wyoming Legislature gave it a thumbs down.

As of Wednesday, Feb. 8, House Bill 92 has not been sent to the floor of the Wyoming House of Representatives for a vote. Unfortunately, as it’s too late for a similar bill to be introduced in the Wyoming Senate, the latest attempt to attract film productions to Wyoming has failed for a second time.

House Bill 92 would have created a film incentive program through the Wyoming Office of Tourism using $3 million in statewide lodging tax to attract “qualifying productions.” The list includes films, T.V. shows & commercials filmed in Wyoming.

Similar bills to establish film incentive programs have failed in the Wyoming Legislature. House Bill 92 hoped to pass thanks to its innovative new approach to the incentive.

Woman with film clapboard

Courtesy Unsplash & Jon Tyson

The bill explained that the film incentive program would boost economic development by fostering, promoting, and employing Wyoming and its residents in a potentially lucrative “new” industry.

In addition to building Wyoming’s prestige as a filming location and the obvious exposure the state would receive, House Bill 92 had a requirement that rebates would only be provided for Wyoming-related expenses. The more Wyomingites involved in a production, the higher the rebates would be.

“The entity seeking the rebates maintains accurate records and receipts for all qualified expenditures, and on the number of Wyoming residents, Wyoming resident veterans of the armed forces of the United States and Wyoming students hired, including vocational training provided through internships and apprenticeships, for the qualified production, which shall include payroll records and record of the total number of people hired.”

But the new approach wasn’t enough to get the bill onto the floor of the Wyoming House.

While House Bill 92 passed through the House Joint Travel, Recreation, Wildlife & Cultural Resources Interim Committee with a 4-1 vote, it was not introduced to the full Wyoming House. With the crossover deadline passed, a similar bill can’t be introduced in the Wyoming Senate.

That’s a wrap – for this season, at least.

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