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Sshh…Let The Pages Talk

Open A Book

Let The Pages Take You Places

April 4th – 10th is National Library week and it is a national observance that typically lands on second full week of the month. In 1954 a nonprofit National Book Committee was established between the ALA and the American Book Publishers. Then in 1957 the committee developed the genius idea for National Library Week, with high hopes that it would motivate people to not only read, but to support their local libraries. Spoiler alert. It worked. If you have not been to our local library you are missing out. It is a massive building full of imagination, history, and more.

National Library Week just happens to occur at the same time and month as School Library Month. During the week of National Library love special events are celebrated on certain days. National Library Workers Day (Tuesday),National Bookmobile Day (Wednesday), and Support Teen Literature Day (Thursday) all celebrated during National Library Week. Each year the week has a new theme. The theme of the first sponsored week in 1954 was “Wake Up and Read!” and the 2021 theme for National Library Week this year it is….

Welcome to Your Library

It promotes the idea that libraries go way beyond the building that houses the books, and that everyone no matter what you read is welcome! Our local Park County Library has such an amazing list of recourses not to mention thousands and thousands of books for you to check out and check back in!

They Actually don’t even charge late fees anymore! Also if you happen to have an outstanding library book bill. Good news. It’s long  gone as they are waving the over due book fees. They have so many tools for kids as well as us adults to use and learn from. Get your library card and let the learning begin at The Park County Library! Here is small run down of what they have to offer.


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