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Special Olympics Wyoming Announces 2023 Jackalope Jumps

Special Olympics Wyoming is looking for inspired residents of 12 communities to “Be Bold, Go for the Cold!” at their local 2023 Jackalope Jump.

Special Olympics Wyoming is hosting Jackalope Jumps across Wyoming in February, March, and April. “Individuals, athletes, businesses, schools, law enforcement, fire, military, and other clubs and organizations” that would like to participate in one of the organization’s largest annual fundraisers.

Special Olympics Wyoming is a non-profit organization providing year-round sports training, athletic competition, and other related programs to children and adults with intellectual disabilities; offering them continuing opportunities to realize their potential, develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, and experience joy and friendship. Special Olympics Wyoming changes lives by encouraging and empowering people with intellectual disabilities, promoting acceptance for all, and fostering communities of understanding and respect.

S0, what exactly is a Jackalope Jump? The fundraiser’s central premise involves people jumping into a pool of freezing water in whatever attire they desire. Awards are given out for the best costume, largest group, and most funds raised.

Each Jackalope Jump is its own personalized event as they are planned and organized locally by SOWY volunteers.

Courtesy Special Olympics Wyoming

All funds raised go to support Special Olympics Wyoming programming and events for over 1,600 athletes statewide.

The following Jackalope Jumps are scheduled across Wyoming over the next three months:

Online registration is FREE and strongly encouraged. Eager participants can register for any of the 12 Jackalope Jumps on the Special Olympics Wyoming website.


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