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Sheriff: Border crisis will be felt in Park County

“It’s like a tidal wave coming north.”

Park County Sheriff Scott Steward said it’s only a matter of time when the county will begin to feel the effects of the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border. Hundreds of thousands of foreign nationals have poured into America this year.

“It’s not long before you start seeing it up here. It could be anything from illegals (immigrants), to drugs, to the cartel,” Steward said Tuesday morning during KODI’s “Speak Your Piece with Darian Dudrick.”

“To think, here in Park County, we’re immune from it … we’re not.”

The amount of fentanyl coming across the southern border has soared this year, and that increase has been felt in Wyoming.

During a recent traffic stop by the Wyoming Highway Patrol on Interstate 80 east of Cheyenne, about 24 pounds of suspected fentanyl – worth about $150 million – was discovered.

Steward added, there’s a “major problem brewing in Colorado with the cartel.”

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