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Senator Barrasso Engages Worland Students in a Q&A Session

Senator Barrasso with Worland High School Students

Worland students asked Senator Barrasso about issues polarizing the nation while he reminded them of the limitless future of opportunity within their reach.

On Thursday, Feb. 18, Senator John Barrasso addressed Worland High School’s Advanced Placement U.S. History Class. This is an annual tradition in Worland, something the senator says he “always looks forward to.”

Traditionally, the students’ class concludes with a visit to Washington D.C., where they have a chance to see Senator Barrasso’s offices on Capitol Hill. Such a trip wasn’t possible in 2021 due to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic.

In lieu of a capitol visit, Barrasso addressed the students, telling them anecdotes of Wyoming’s history and its presidential encounters.

Barrasso also told the high schoolers about a recent invitation he extended to former U.S. Senator and current vice president Kamala Harris to come to Worland. He told the students how the last Worland class to visit the Capitol had an unexpected encounter with Harris in 2019.

During a recent Senate session, Barrasso said he reminded Harris of the chance encounter and told her she needed to take a trip to the Bighorn Basin.

“I’ve got to get to Worland,” the vice president said in response.

After a brief speech, Barrasso then began a question-and-answer session with the Worland students. No topic was off-limits, and the senator fielded questions on many congressional issues currently making headlines.

When asked about his vision for the future of the Republican Party, the senator said he still sees it as “the Party of Opportunity,” a party of hard work, not handouts. He warned about the dangers of American citizens getting “trapped in the comfort of safety nets” with too much federal welfare.

Barrasso proceeded to answer questions on raising the federal minimum wage, the COVID-19 vaccine, and the pandemic response. He was keen to remind the students that there are no clean-cut issues in Washington, and all sides on an issue have to be considered.

Then came a big question: “what are your thoughts on Representative Liz Cheney?”

Cheney continues to face intense scrutiny for opposing former President Donald Trump during his second impeachment trial. Despite several state and local party censures from angry Wyoming Republicans, Barrasso didn’t waver in supporting his congressional colleague.

“I need her,” Senator Barrasso said. “We need all three of our congressional representatives fighting for Wyoming every day.”

Ending the session on an optimistic note, Senator Barrasso describes Wyoming as a state where young people can aspire to anything, and “do whatever you want, so long as you stay out of trouble and keep your grades up.”

The session ended with a gift to Senator Barrasso – a Worland High School A.P. U.S. History t-shirt. Barrasso anticipated this gift, revealing the last t-shirt he received on a similar visit in years past.

“I don’t throw much away,” the senator said.

Senator Barrasso with Worland High School Students

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