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Routine, Exercise, Candles, and Drinking on Moderation – How to Beat Stress at Home

Feel stressed? There are solutions you can easily find at home.

The Wyoming Department of Family Services is offering home solutions to the stressful situations that are affecting everyone during these pressing times. Ed Heimer, Field Administrator and licensed clinical social worker with the Department is particularly concerned about parents, already stressful but even more so now. But there are several simple steps you can take that can alleviate it to a degree.

Sticking to an routine is a big one, especially an exercise routine that will provide consistency in everyday life And those who practice it regularly benefit from a positive boost in mood and a lower overall rate of depression. Decrease your intake of caffeine and alcohol, or any other stimulants or depressants that are designed to alter how one would typically respond to situations and may make things worse. They can also inhibit your sleep cycle, and getting sleep is another important stress reliever. Candles help too!

Heimer reminds parents to be role models for their children; teaching them how to deal with stress is an important life lesson.  And it’s ok to reach out for help if needed, as several therapists are still working over the phone.


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