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Rock Mitigation Work Along U.S. 14/16/20 West of Cody

If you’re headed west out of Cody in the next few months, plan an extra 20 minutes of travel time.

The Wyoming Department of Transportation has designated three locations in the Bighorn Basin for $664 thousand dollars worth of rock mitigation work – two are in and around the Wind River Canyon, and will involve rock scaling – the removal of loose rock and material with pry bars and pick axes.

Rock scaling, removal, and the repair of an existing rockfall fence will commence this Monday outside of Cody. Oftedal Construction of Casper will begin at 7 am and continue until 6 pm. Digital message signs have been placed at the sites of the upcoming work and will remain throughout the projects.

The work will continue Monday thru Saturday – weather permitting – and will hopefully be completed by the beginning of February 2020.

The next mitigation project in the area will begin on the Chief Joseph Highway in Spring 2020.


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