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Rep. Harriet Hageman Says, “We Were Never Going To Default”

Wyoming’s lone Representative in the House, Harriet Hageman joined Mac Watson on “Mac In The Morning” on KODI-AM/FM this morning to talk about some important developments going on in Congress.

Speaking to Mac, Rep. Hageman said that all the “panic” surrounding the United States defaulting on its debts and sending our economy and the world’s into financial chaos was never going to happen.  She said she spoke with economists and other highly-educated people in the weeks and days of the so-called deadline issued by Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, and the U.S. was “never going to default.” The “default deadline” was manufactured by the Democrats and wholly bought by the media.

Also, Rep. Hageman gave the reason why she voted “No” on the House bill that would raise the Debt Ceiling Limit.  Even though House Speak Kevin McCarthy came to an agreement with President Biden, Hageman said she appreciated the effort but the deal didn’t go far enough in limiting spending.  Instead, the bill, signed into law over the weekend by President Biden, raises America’s debt ceiling by trillions of dollars (again!).

Representative Hageman also spoke about a decision that recently came down from the Supreme Court of the United States concerning Sackett v. EPA.  In the lawsuit, SCOTUS defined what “navigable waters” really means — which is crucial for farmers and ranchers in Wyoming.

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