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Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY) Calls FBI, DOJ ‘Corrupt’ At Hearing

Harriet Hageman, the fiery, plain-spoken Republican representative from Wyoming, didn’t hold back yesterday in the House Judiciary Committee hearing that is investigating the “weaponization” of the Federal government.

In a five-minute, searing opening speech, Rep. Hageman didn’t hold back setting up her argument that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Justice have veered way off course in their focus and duties to the American people.  During her opening statement, she didn’t waste time or speak in vague, esoteric language, by naming names and calling out both federal entities as “corrupt.”

As far as naming names, the representative didn’t name low-level or tertiary employees of both departments, she called out FBI head Christopher Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland who is head of the Department of Justice by saying, “To be blunt, the leadership of the FBI and DOJ are corrupt. I will name names: Christopher Wray and Merrick Garland are corrupt.  They know it, we know it, and the American people know it,” added.

Representative Hageman cited that “fundamental changes” to these agencies go all the way back to the George W. Bush administration when the President reamed then-head of the FBI, Robert Mueller, because his agency didn’t learn of or stop the 9/11 terrorist attack on America in 2001.  From that moment on, Hageman claims, agencies changed their approach to doing their jobs and enforcing justice by relying more on the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act from 1978, instead of relying on agents and field offices to gather intelligence.

Hageman went on to methodically explain, those changes have “led to the political capture of our flagship law enforcement agencies” and allowed Democrats to use them to further their “personal political hacks.”

“As the DOJ and FBI have become more political, they have amassed more power,” Hageman explained, “And as they have amassed more power they have become more political. ”  This “vicious cycle must be stopped.” she sternly argued.

Representative Hageman also warned the people who testified against the FBI and DOJ, the “whistleblowers,” that Democrats will “not focus on the substance” of their testimony or want to “engage in a discussion about how to protect our constitutional rights and institutions from the tyrants who are running these agencies.”

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