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Primary Election Resources and Virtual Q&A’s Available

Are you ready to vote tomorrow?

Tomorrow is Primary Election Day across the entirety of Wyoming. In preparation, Secretary of State Edward Buchanan and State Election Director Kai Schon want to make sure everyone knows the specifics where’s and when’s for the elections.

  • Polls close at 7:00 p.m. on August 18th. At that time, election judges at every polling place or vote center begin to securely relay unofficial election results to their respective county clerk. Once 100% of a county’s precincts have reported results to their county clerk, those same results are then securely relayed to the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Election Division.
  • Election results received from counties will be posted on the Secretary of State’s website as “2020 Unofficial Primary Election Results” at:
  • The best way to obtain unofficial precinct-level results on election night may be through a specific county’s website. A list of Wyoming’s 23 county clerks and their respective websites may be found here:
  • For additional election information as well as historic results of Wyoming elections, please visit the Wyoming Secretary of State’s Election Center:
  • All election results are unofficial until the State Canvassing Board meets to certify the results of the Primary Election on Wednesday, August 26th – eight days after the election.

If this all seems a little convoluted and you’d like to learn more about tomorrow’s primary election, never fear. Both Secretary of State Buchanan and State Election Director Schon will be available during a Google Meet informational sessions today at 1 p.m. Follow this link to join the meeting:

Security is of the utmost importance to everyone, both in terms of election integrity and pandemic preparedness. To quote Director Schon: “We are confident in the election process. Wyoming’s new state-of-the-art election equipment will serve voters well this election and offer a secure and familiar voting experience. County clerks follow every election process as outlined by Wyoming law to guarantee accurate counts of votes.”

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