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Play and Keep Yourself Safe with the FTC Scam Bingo

Bored at home? Why not play a little scam bingo?

In response to the current influx of coronavirus-related scams cropping up and preying on people’s fears and insecurities, the Federal Trade Commission has found a creative way to keep people informed and aware of the telltale signs of scams with their new Scam Bingo. The card is set up with trademark signs, sayings, and offers that potential scammers will present in order to strengthen their position. You can simultaneously keep track and have an amusing time doing it.

There’s a whole variety of scams out there:

  • Phishing scams, where scammers try to get your Social Security number (SSN) or financial info
  • Guaranteed you access to a COVID-19 vaccine – there is no access available as the vaccine doesn’t currently exist.
  • Saying they’re from Medicare or CDC and offering a health kit to counter the virus
  • The Social Security Administration telling you there’s a problem with your SSN (there’s not).
  • Some scammers might even still be running some of the oldies but goodies: tech support, utilities, or lower-your-interest-rate

The FTC encourages you to print out their Scam Bingo card regardless of your amusement with the concept, as it will be a handy reminder for the next time a scammer calls you. Find it and more information on


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