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People Can Register Security Cameras with Cody PD

The Cody Police Department is looking for the public’s help in solving crimes.

The ExPAND (Electronic Protection Amplified Night and Day) security camera program is expected to begin in a couple weeks, according to Detective Scott Burlingame.

He and Police Chief Chuck Baker talked about the program Friday morning on KODI’s “Speak Your Piece with Darian Dudrick.”

Business and homeowners can register their security cameras with Cody PD at no charge. By doing so, CPD has access to their cameras during investigations.

The cameras, however, show up on the program only as “dots on a map,” Burlingame said, and CPD must receive business or homeowner approval before accessing the cameras.

The rollout of the program will be announced on the CPD Facebook page, and registration will be available on its website.

Listen to the show here: here

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