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Park County Republican Party Censures “Representative-at-large” Cheney

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Party leadership claims “Representative-at-large” Cheney failed to represent the majority of Park County and voted to censure her for her impeachment vote.

During a meeting of the Park County Republican Party, a resolution was adopted which officially censored U.S. Representative Liz Cheney. This is the culmination of weeks of anger directed towards Wyoming’s sole congressional representative.

The “Censure of U.S. Representative for Wyoming-at-large Elizabeth Lynne Cheney” was adopted with a vote of 45-2.

There’s only one reason for the censorship: Cheney’s vote in favor of impeaching former President Donald Trump during his final weeks in office. Cheney was one of 10 Republicans in the House of Representatives to vote in favor and the most powerful Republican in Congress to publically rebuke the president in such a fashion.

“Representative Cheney has violated the trust of her voters, failed to faithfully represent a very large majority of motivated Wyoming voters, and neglected her duty to represent the party and the will of the people who elected her to represent them.”

There are now ten Wyoming counties whose Republican parties have voted to censure.

Cheney was re-elected to a second term in the U.S. House to largely little fanfare or Republican opposition in the 2020 Election.

The final paragraph of the censure resolution calls upon Cheney to attend the next meeting of the Park County Republican Party to “explain her actions to this body, the State Republican Party membership, and the entirety of the concerned Wyoming electorate.”

The anger is real. A petition to recall Cheney has reached nearly 60,000 signatures and she already faces a primary challenger in the 2022 Election.

Chances of a Cheney appearance at any meeting of a Wyoming Republican Party are slim currently. Cheney’s focus continues to be on representing Wyoming’s interests against actions taken by the administration of President Joe Biden.

During a secret ballot amongst House Republicans earlier this week, Cheney was re-elected to her position as Conference Chair.

In that same meeting, another resolution was adopted asking Wyoming’s senators John Barrasso and Cynthia Lummis to oppose the upcoming impeachment trial for former President Trump in the U.S. Senate. Neither senator has publically stated how they intend to vote during the soon-t0-be-started hearing.

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