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Park County Mask Mandate Extended Thru January 8th

Park County Health Officer Dr. Aaron Billin —  with the support of the Park County Commissioners — applied for the extension of the county health order which has been approved by the Wyoming Department of Health.

Dr. Billin explained his rationale in a Dec. 4 Facebook post announcing the extension.

He acknowledges that the order — in place since Nov. 17 — has led to the more widespread use of masks and face coverings and there has been “a significant decrease” in COVID-19 transmission – both positive points.

However, hospitalizations and COVID-related deaths remain high in Park County and the state. Based on the current numbers here and elsewhere, it was decided an extension of the county health order was in the best interests of the public.

The new order includes some notable changes:

1. The definition of “business “is expanded from commercial and retail businesses to all businesses in the county
2. Due to this expanded definition, all business employees must wear a face covering when within 6 feet of other employees – whether the public enters the space or not.
3. Only children 11 years of age and younger are exempted from the extended order
4. Face coverings may be removed when law enforcement asks an individual to do so for identification purposes

The extension will take effect tomorrow, Dec. 5, and remain in effect into 2021. The order expires on Jan. 8.

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