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Park County COVID-19 Numbers “Significantly Down”

COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in Park County (1/24)

Park County is slowly getting vaccinated against COVID-19 – but what are the numbers?

With a new year and a new presidential administration, the efforts to control and conclude the global COVID-19 pandemic continue. Park County still struggles with case numbers and deaths, but vaccines are making an impact where it’s needed most.

Park County Cases

As of Sunday, Jan. 24, the Wyoming Department of Health lists a total of 2,373 cases of COVID-19. 84 cases were active with 14 cases confirmed in the previous 24 hours.

Dr. Aaron Billin, Park County Public Health Officer, continues to use his page to inform residents of the latest news and advances in the fight against COVID-19. Dr. Billin’s posts often include more up-to-date numbers on cases and deaths in the county, as the Wyoming Department of Health releases its official counts after collecting numbers from all Wyoming counties.

In his latest Sunday evening post, Dr. Billin reports 2,359 lab-confirmed cases of COVID-19, with 263 cases confirmed in the last 14 days. Five people are currently hospitalized in the county.

Billin classifies these numbers as “significantly down” compared to those reported in recent weeks.

Park County Deaths

The Wyoming Department of Health has a total of 18 COVID deaths in the county. The latest (as of the department’s last release) was an older adult woman who died sometime in December.

The woman was hospitalized both within and outside of Wyoming at various points. The department’s website says it’s unclear whether she had health conditions recognized as putting patients at higher risk of serious illness related to COVID-19.

COVID-19 Cases and Deaths in Park County (1/24)
Courtesy park County Public Health Officer

Park County Vaccines

Vaccines continue to roll into Wyoming in limited capacities while the need and demand for vaccination remains alarmingly high.

Park County Public Health Nurse Bill Crampton clarified the “state of the vaccine” last week.

As of January 19th, there were approximately 1,950 doses delivered to Park County. By Thursday afternoon 1,850 of those total doses were administered.

When all was said and done, only 100 doses remained. Most of those were subsequently administered to other high – priority individuals who have applied for vaccination.

Crampton cited statistics that show how important wide-spread vaccination will be to save lives in Park County.

  • Park County has the third oldest population in the state, with an estimated 8,000 people over the age of 65 on Medicare.
  • As many as 3,000 Park County residents are listed in Tiers 1.A and 1.B., determined to be the most at-risk for contracting COVID-19.
  • Park County seniors and Tier 1 individuals make up almost half of the county’s 30,000 people.
  • 975 doses of vaccine are shipped to the county every 2-3 weeks, and demand still outpaces supply by a significant margin.

It’s worth noting that the Pfizer vaccine – currently the most readily available – is administered in two doses, two weeks apart. This halves the number of people who can get inoculated, as many of the doses shipped become second doses.

Doses of the Moderna vaccine are also being shipped to Park County but in smaller quantities.

Vaccination Locations

COVID-19 vaccine doses will eventually be available at the following locations in Park County:

  • Park County Public Health
  • Cody Regional Hospital
  • Powell Valley Health Care
  • Heritage Health
  • 307 Health
  • Billings Clinic
  • Medical Center Pharmacy

Park County Public Health has one more vaccination clinic available in January. These clinics are held at the Powell Fairgrounds

Thursday, Jan. 28 with a booster on Thursday, Feb. 18 (deadline to sign up is noon on Jan. 26)

More dates and times will be announced as more vaccines roll in.

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