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Park County Animal Shelter Closes for Move to New Forever Home

Park County Animal Shelter logo

 You might want to hold off on taking that stray dog or cat into the Park County Animal Shelter, as they spend the next week on the move to the new location.

As the new facility is ready for its new occupants, shelter staff decided to close their operation temporarily. This makes it easier for the staff and shelter animals as they move into the new building.

The plan was to close the shelter on Thursday, March 4. After one of their cats came down with a stomach bug, the shelter decided to close one day earlier than expected. As of Wednesday, the shelter is closed to the public at this time.

The shelter will resume its services – at its new location – on March 15.

Megan McLean, the executive director of the shelter, says the shelter won’t stop taking in stray animals during this hiatus. But, if possible, Park County residents are asked to temporarily hold onto captured strays if possible.

While the new building is a cause worth celebrating, the actual celebration won’t happen for a few more weeks. A grand opening and ribbon cutting are being planned for some time in mid-April.

Once the shelter opens again, there are two things to remember: Masks and no “window shopping.”

The Park County Animal Shelter will continue to observe COVID-19 protocols when it reopens on March 15. Anyone who intends to visit will be asked to wear a face-covering and observe social distancing while inside.

It is also requested that only people who are serious about adoption visit the animal shelter for now. There will be a time for casual visits to resume, but not until the county’s COVID-19 climate makes it safe and practicable to do so.

In the meantime, a virtual tour of the new facility is available on the Park County Animal Shelter website.


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