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New Amendments Reduce Indoor Capacity in Wyoming

The latest amendments to the state’s public health orders reflect the current state of the COVID-19 pandemic, getting more restrictive for the first time in several months.

Governor Mark Gordon released the new amendments to the state’s ongoing public health orders yesterday. It’s the 17th continuation of the orders since their implementation in March 2020.

These amendments will take effect on Tuesday, Nov. 24, and remain in effect until Dec. 15.

Order 1

  • Group exercise classes are now limited to 25 people.

Order 2

  • Gatherings of more than 25 people in a confined space are prohibited. Indoor events are limited in size to no more than 25% of venue capacity with a maximum of 100 people.
  • Outdoor events are limited in size to no more than 50% of venue capacity with a maximum of 250 people.

There are no changes to Order 3 at this time.

These amendments will not impact K-12 schools, child care facilities, restaurants, and performance spaces. Church services, funeral homes, parades, and other specified businesses are some of the other exemptions to the gathering limits listed in the new orders.

The governor says the reasons for these changes is simple: data drives the state’s response. Larger gatherings are driving the spread of the virus, and the increasing pressure on local and regional hospitals has convinced the governor and State Health Officer Alexia Harrist that more is needed to ensure the pandemic doesn’t get worse in Wyoming.

“These measures are intended to assist our healthcare system in meeting unprecedented demands for services, assure that in-classroom education can continue, and importantly keep Wyoming’s people working and her businesses open,” Governor Gordon said. “We have reached out extensively to our business community across the state and will continue to do so. We heard a clear message from them that they want to work cooperatively to ensure our economy, workforce, and the general public are healthy.”

This will likely be the last update to the state’s health orders before the Thanksgiving holiday next week. The governor took time to address that too, asking everyone to celebrate safely.

“Thanksgiving is a special day for families. This virus is insidious and it strikes even at family gatherings where we are tempted to let our guard down,” he said. “Jennie and I encourage families to be careful this Thanksgiving and to keep gatherings smaller to protect their loved ones. We also wish everyone a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.”

The Governor also reminds all Wyoming residents to practice the three Ws – wash your hands, watch your distance, and wear a face covering.

Park County’s face covering mandate is currently in effect until Dec. 4. That, similarly, will be reevaluated at that time. The state has yet to implement its own mandate for face coverings in public settings, keeping Wyoming as one of the few states to go entirely without such a mandate since the pandemic began.

You can keep up-to-date with the latest health orders and any changes on the State of Wyoming’s COVID-19 website.

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