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NBC News: Casper Residents Say Liz Cheney’s “A Traitor”

Liz Cheney has not been on Wyoming’s good side for some time now, and that frustration has not ceased in the slightest according to NBC News when they went to Casper to talk to some Wyomingites.

The anger towards Wyoming’s house representative erupted when she was a part of a vote to impeach now-former President Donald Trump.

Since that moment, it has caused a ripple effect that I don’t think Cheney could have ever anticipated.

In the time after that, she has since seen many people ascend from the political pits ready to challenge Cheney in office when the time comes. Anthony Bouchard and Chuck Gray are the biggest names right now that have surfaced to challenge her.

Cheney looks to remain consistent in her efforts to keep her seat in office. That will present a challenge for Cheney as she will have work to do to reset the tide on the thought of her overall political aura.

NBC News took a trip to Casper to show us exactly what it is some people from the Cowboy state believe about the third highest seat in the house for the state.

Out of the myriad of people they found that had strong dislikes toward Cheney, there was one democrat south of Casper who adamantly defended the representative.

“She stands up for what she believes in and doesn’t bow down to the supreme ruler.” Cal Perry, the NBC News anchor said that was the one supporter he found courageous enough to state it on camera.

Cheney’s attempt to win back the state with 2nd amendment support has done little to nothing to mitigate her downfall politically in the state. Her time to change the inevitable will continue to dwindle.

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