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Mysterious Circles Found in Space Yet to Be Explained

It sure has been an interesting year for space exploration.

According to, astronomers are quite puzzled after discovering strange circles in the sky.  So far, they have been unable to come up with an explanation for this weird phenomenon.

These strange circles have been called WTFs because of the unexplainable nature of these circles.

While astronomers may not know what is causing this phenomenon, they have ruled out some things.  They know that these circles are not supernova remnants, rings of radio emission or Einstein rings.

They do think that these circles could have something to with wormholes which have astronomers very excited.

This is quite a momentous discovery because it is very rare that something is discovered where astronomers truly have no idea what they have found.

It’s been a big year for space exploration and another cool event is happening soon that you don’t want to miss.  More information on that can be found below.

In Rare Sighting, Jupiter and Saturn To Come Together During Winter Solstice

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