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Majority Wants School Face-Mask Mandate Lifted

Three-quarters of the community want Cody schools to request that face-mask restrictions be lifted, according to a survey.

Park County School District No. 6 Superintendent Peg Monteith discussed the survey during the weekly “School Talk” segment Thursday morning on KODI’s “Daybreak with Darian Dudrick.”

Park 6 sent out a survey this week to stakeholders, asking if the district should apply for a variance that would allow Cody students and staff to wear masks only on a voluntary basis.

The request, if approved by the school board, would go to Park County Public Health Officer Dr. Aaron Billin, who would then send it to the state health officer for final approval.

Park 6 students and staff have been required to wear face masks the entire school year thus far due to the COVID-19 pandemic. But for at least the last couple weeks, the district has reported no COVID cases.

“What we found in that survey is about 75 to 77 percent of our stakeholders in the community are in favor of asking for a variance. They would like to see kids not have to wear masks to school,” Monteith said, adding the “school staff survey turned out about the same way.”

Monteith said surveys will continue to come in until Monday.

Listen to “School Talk” here: here

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