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Lummis, Colleagues Introduce Resolution to Celebrate Domestic Energy Producers

Senator Cynthia Lummis (R-WY)

Senate Western Caucus Chair Cynthia Lummis (R-WY) is introducing a resolution to designate October 4, 2024, as National Energy Appreciation Day to celebrate the men and women who work to power our nation and the world. Senators John Barrasso (R-WY), Kevin Cramer (R-ND), James Lankford (R-OK), Ted Cruz (R-TX), Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV), Pete Ricketts (R-NE), John Hoeven (R-ND), Bill Cassidy (R-LA) and Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) cosponsored the resolution.

“Wyoming’s energy producers work tirelessly each and every day to power our nation, yet our domestic energy industry is under attack like never before due to the Biden-Harris administration’s war on energy production,” said Lummis. “I introduced this resolution to recognize and celebrate the men and women in the Cowboy State and throughout the country who work to power not only our nation, but the entire world.”

“American energy production fuels American success,” said Barrasso. “Wyoming is America’s energy breadbasket. Our workers produce the energy and resources that keep America running and our economy strong. While this administration wages war on American energy, Wyoming will proudly celebrate National Energy Appreciation Day and continue to unleash American energy.”

“Louisiana energy workers are the reason we have the fuel to run our cars and electricity to power our homes,” said Dr. Cassidy. “Thanks for powering the American economy.”

“Oklahoma energy producers and energy innovators are leading America to energy dominance,” said Lankford. “They continue their great work to provide clean, affordable, and reliable energy to our state, despite the Biden-Harris Administration’s agenda to raise energy prices and surrender our energy future to China.”

“Energy generated in West Virginia, made possible by our skilled and dedicated workforce, continues to keep homes warm, lights on, and move our nation forward,” said Capito. West Virginia energy producers have done this for generations, and this tradition will always be a central aspect of our identity and culture in the Mountain State. On National Energy Appreciation Day, we recognize how this sector strengthens our national security and improves the lives of our people, country, and world. I’m proud to join my colleagues to once again establish this day of appreciation and highlight the importance of American energy and the personnel behind it.”

“National Energy Appreciation Day recognizes the vital role that American energy and its workers play in our quality of life and the success of our economy,” said Hoeven. “That’s why we continue working to rescind costly federal rules and provide regulatory relief to ensure our nation can continue to utilize all of its abundant energy resources, including coal, oil and gas, making energy affordable again for Americans.”

“The thousands of hardworking Mississippians and Americans producing domestic energy are vital to our daily lives and the very foundation of our national and economic security,” said Hyde-Smith. “It is undeniable that U.S.-produced energy is not only more affordable, but also cleaner and safer than the options our current administration favors from foreign adversaries.  I am proud to join Senator Lummis in championing this resolution, and I appreciate the efforts of the American energy industry that powers our nation’s progress.”

“With American innovation and abundant natural resources, the United States has everything we need to be energy independent and secure,” said Risch. “I’m proud to join my colleagues in celebrating American energy and will continue pushing for policies that cut red tape, boost investment, and ensure affordable, reliable energy for every home and business in Idaho.”


American energy plays an integral role in keeping energy affordable, reliable and efficient while also supporting economic growth and creating upward mobility. Not only have domestic energy advancements greatly reduced emissions, but widespread access to energy has more than doubled life expectancy and reduced the percentage of people living in poverty to less than 10%.

The American energy industry accounts for more than seven million jobs and ultimately supports more than 10 million jobs across the United States.

The U.S. oil and natural gas industry generates nearly $1.8 billion in gross domestic product annually.  Federal oil and natural gas leases for onshore and offshore development brought in $15.9 billion for the federal government in 2023. This is $6.3 billion less than 2022, due in large part to the administration’s war on American energy, including banning exports of liquified natural gas.

Since day one of the Biden-Harris administration, President Biden and Vice President Harris have taken several actions to greatly restrict domestic energy production including:

  • Halting construction of the Keystone XL pipeline.
  • Banning exports of liquified natural gas (LNG).
  • Drastically increasing royalty rates for domestic gas production on federal lands.
  • Putting Resource Management Plans (RMPs) in place to effectively end oil and gas production on federal lands.
  • Halting offshore oil and gas leases in the gulf due to the potential for the Rices Whale to be impacted despite no scientific evidence the whale is impacted by offshore drilling.


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