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Lady Warriors Cross Country Results

After a cold race on Thursday for the State Championship Cross Country run. The Lady Warriors finished 10th overall with 278 total points. Star Valley High School in Afton Wyoming was the Host City. Top Worland Lady Warrior runner was Sophmore Carly Venable finishing 23rd with a time of 21:57.1. The second Lady Warrior to finish was Senior Lindsey Holiday 54th at 23:12.9. Senior Brooke Flock 56th, Senior Elizabeth Lungren 71st, Sophmore Isaira Matmoros 80th, Freshman Jaden Earl 89th and finishing at 93rd Sophmore Saria Matamoros. The Cody Fillies won the 3A State Team Championship with 87 points. Rawlins Lady Outlaw Senior Sydney Thorvaldson won the individual Championship with a time of 16:59.6 nearly two and a half minutes ahead of the second place runner Senior Elena Jensen of Lyman with a time of 19:34.52.

Chance Bond-KWOR

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