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KODI Exclusive: Interview with New Cody Country Chamber of Commerce EJ House

This week, the Cody Country Chamber of Commerce announced its new CEO – E.J. House, who is assuming the duties of former CEO Tina Hoebelheinrich (now CEO of the Casper Chamber of Commerce.)

E.J. House served a rewarding career in the U.S. Air Force. Following his military service, House worked in federal civilian service and private sector business financial services and real estate.

He has a deep background in entrepreneurial initiatives, business consulting, operations management, and technology security.

Cody Country Chamber of Commerce CEO EJ House

House says his goals as Cody Chamber CEO are to “continue to build Cody.”

“Build the community of Cody through business, help our existing businesses continue to grow, attract new businesses, and local folks that would like to start a business – provide them the tools and resources to be able to do that,” House said.”

“Tourism causes your community to grow over time. If you’re a tourism community, you’ll have people who come in that fall in love with the community. The goal here in building Cody is also to continue to make it appealing to people who would like to bring in new business or relocate themselves and become a functioning member of the community.”

In House’s assessment, the biggest challenge in Cody is solving the workforce issues many businesses are struggling with. House has already spoken with several business leaders and says the consistent problem raised is finding enough of the right people to operate their enterprises. To fill these “gaps,” House aims to bring the right kind of labor to Cody – “a good, vibrant workforce” to mere the needs of the community and its businesses.

E.J. completed private sector education in aviation technology and business administration. He completed his graduate studies in business at Webster University. He completed his advanced military and command leadership studies at Air University which is the educational institution of the U.S. Air Force.

He is a dedicated veteran advocate and community builder, having served in roles for the American Legion, Boy Scouts of America, and County Elections in the metro Washington, D.C. area. He was living in the nation’s capitol until relocating eight months ago.

“I’ve always wanted to come to the mountain states, and last year was the perfect year to do that,” House said.

He is a dedicated supporter of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Commemorative Air Force, Canine Companions for Independence, and the National D-Day Memorial.

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