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July … Another Dry Month in Cody

Last month was tied for the fourth driest July in Cody on record.

Meanwhile, it was the city’s eighth warmest July, according to Tim Troutman, warning coordination meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Riverton. Troutman was the guest Wednesday morning on KODI’s “Speak Your Piece with Darian Dudrick.”

After Cody experienced its second driest June on record (0.06 inch of precipitation), July wasn’t much wetter. There was only 0.14 inch of precipitation during the month, the same as July 2020, Troutman said.

As for temperatures, last month’s average in Cody was 74.3 degrees. In comparison, last July’s average temperature was 70.8. Cody’s warmest average temperature in July was in 2012, when it was 76.4 degrees.

Listed are the driest months of July in Cody on record, according to Troutman:

Precipitation (inches)

1 – 1935, 1953 (tied), 0.02

3 – 2003, 0.10

4 – 2020, 2021 (tied), 0.14

Listen to the show here: here

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