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Jack Harris Feature

On August 20th it was officially announced that Jack Harris will be returning to the Yellowstone Quake for his fourth year with the team. Harris helped spearhead the turnaround last year as the Quake finished in fourth place in the Frontier division and knocked off the Gillette Wild in their first round playoff series. Harris was a top three player for the Quake a year ago, leading them in assists with 40 and second on the team with 59 points. Recently I caught up with the Quake Veteran and he talks about what it’s like being back.

I’m definitely excited. It’ll be my fourth year so I have a lot of experience and I know what it’s going to be like. I think just playing in Cody is awesome. So it’ll be fun.”

As for what to expect from this team this year, Jack says they should be even better than last year.

I think this year will be… Well we were, I think we finished fourth last year and I think this year we should expect one or two. With the amount of returners and the top, top end guys we’re bringing in this year, I think we’ll definitely be one or two.”

Jack will be heading into his third season playing for Head Coach Phil Oberlin and talks about the improvement he’s seen from the coach each year.

I think he’s a really focused coach. He’s always trying to learn and become a better coach. This will be his third year so I think he’s definitely gained a lot more experience and a lot better coaching style. I think overall he’s just improving and improving and as well as the team.”

And just how important is it for the Quake to pick up where they left off a season ago?

Yeah definitely, playing against those one and two teams at the end of last year, we kind of found our grip that we could play with them and definitely be a one or two team. Having just starting right when everyone gets here, just team bonding, high tempo practices, just keeping the energy up, staying focused. I mean having fun is an important thing right away to keep the guys enjoying it out here. I think staying focused in practice is the main key.”

Quake players officially report to Cody September 10th with their first practice scheduled for Monday September 14th. Stay tuned to the Big Horn Radio Network for more on Quake Hockey.

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