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How to get Through the Winter Blues

It’s that time of year where the sun comes up late & tends to set earlier. Not to mention its’s cold, plus with the holidays & family it can be a stressful time for anyone. These are a few things that have helped me in the past with getting through the winter blues, as winter pick-me-up’s…

Baking: Takeout during this time of year isn’t always the most convenient with the unpredictable weather, so baking has been one of my go-to’s as something fun for both me & the girls to do.  My kids love it because they’re old enough to help mom or dad through the process. So it becomes a family activity too. Plus it’s a sweet but still a healthier snack for all of us to enjoy. Here is my favorite banana bread recipe.

Plants: Another thing that helps me relieve stress is gardening in the summertime, but when it’s cold & dark in the winter, I resort to my house plants. Ask anyone at the station & they’ll tell you that I have a green thumb (I really don’t) It’s relaxing for me to take care of something (outside of my family) and fulfilling to see them grow during the cold winter months. Here the $5 plant I’ve kept alive for the last year:

(…there’s literally 8 cuttings, sitting in water from this one plant…)

Video Games:  Now I know this one is a touchy subject for some parents, but I love them.  My kids play learning games on their tablets, but for me it’s not so much about killing things, but figuring out the problems or challenges within the game. Plus it’s a great way for me to get my mind off of our busy daily routine. Here’s my go to site for the latest video game info.

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