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Hageman Criticizes Biden For Saying White Supremacy Is America’s Greatest Threat

President Joe Biden is getting harsh criticism, mostly from Republicans, who don’t agree with his assessment of what the biggest threat is to our nation is at this time.

Biden, speaking to the graduating class of HBCU Howard University on Sunday, said that white supremacy is “the most dangerous terrorist threat to our homeland.”  The President received a standing ovation from the audience as Biden scowled, pausing his speech until the applause died down.  “And I’m not saying this because I’m at a black HBCU (historically Black college and university), I say it wherever I go,” Biden emphatically stated. “To stand up for truth and lies, lies told for power and profit, to confront the ongoing assault to subvert our elections, suppress our right to vote.”

Reacting to his speech, Representative Harriet Hageman (R-WY) called Biden, “quite possibly the most out of touch and divisive person in America.”  She went on to clarify that with “record high inflation, an invasion on our southern border…reliance on despots and dictators for our energy at ever higher prices…skyrocketing crime with criminals having no fear of prosecution, and China rapidly overtaking our economy and spying on our country – yet Joe Biden, or whoever is telling him what to say, wants to use stale rhetoric to avoid his failures.”

Representative Hageman has stated that she is endorsing former President Donald Trump for his 2024 presidential run against Joe Biden.  Trump endorsed Hageman when she ran for Representative in the 2022 election that ousted Liz Cheney from her House seat.

In his speech, Biden referenced that American history hasn’t been a “fairy tale” as he described the constant “push and pull” between the concepts of all people being created equal which is in the Declaration of Independence signed in 1776, to the “harsh reality that racism has long torn us apart.”

President Biden gave his speech after he was awarded an honorary Doctorate of Letters from the prestigious university.  This is the first of two commencement speeches the President is scheduled to give.  He will also be addressing the cadets at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado on June 1.


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