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Greater Yellowstone Coalition Hosting Model-Building Competition

Bored at home? Why not enter a model-building competition?

The Greater Yellowstone Coalition has announced a model building competition for all state residents to enter during their coronavirus lockdowns. But this particular project has a specific focus: wildlife crossings. Recently, state agencies like WYDOT have seen an influx of funding to put towards the construction of these crossing, both over and underpasses, that allow wildlife to cross highways without risking vehicle accidents. They are a lynchpin in Governor Gordon’s executive order for migration corridors. In fact, statistics show that crossing structures reduce Wyoming wildlife-vehicle collisions and accidents by nearly 90%.

In the spirit of this new initiative, the model building contest has some specific parameters in mind – build a wildlife crossing structure (underpass or overpass) that includes the following elements: fencing, vehicles, animals, and vegetation. You can make it any size using any materials you’d like. Submit a photo of your finished crossing model to or post it on social media with the hashtag #wildlifecrossingchallenge before May 31st. Greater Yellowstone Coalition and WYDOT staff will judge and choose the winning entries. And prizes will be won.

You might consider making a model for a specific animal. Studies show that Wyoming predators prefer underpasses, pronghorn and moose like overpasses. Mule deer? They aren’t so picky.

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