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Governor Mark Gordon Signs Letter Addressing

Governors In Louisiana

Since taking office, President Biden has made it clear that his energy policies, and his vision of what America’s energy path should look like in the future, doesn’t align with what Wyoming has made it’s name on. Namely, the fossil fuel energy industry.

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon has been an early and outspoken critic of Biden’s energy plans and has signed a letter, along with other Republican governors, to express their frustration.

Republican governors met in Chalmette, Louisiana to unveil their plan to Unleash American Energy amid the Biden Administration’s unprecedented attacks on America’s energy.

While Gordon wasn’t in attendance, his office did say that the governor does wholly agree and support this plan and that’s why he signed the letter.

In fact, many of the points made in the letter echo requests that the Governor has made directly to the Administration and through public comments, including: Rolling back initiatives such as the final rules on methane emissions, particulate matter (PM2.5) standards, the Ozone Transport Rule, and the Clean Power Plan 2.0, among others; Expediting federal drilling permits. and prioritizing innovation over regulation.

The Governor “will continue to fight the Federal government on these issues, which are critical to Wyoming’s core industries. Wyoming has already filed three lawsuits challenging rules included in the Clean Power Plan 2.0 as well,” so his office stated.

The office added that Governor Gordon is united with the Republican governors in their opposition to the Biden Administration’s energy policies.

“While the Biden Administration continues to prioritize government regulations rather than free market solutions, Republican governors are supporting innovative energy production to unleash America’s natural resources, safeguard national security, and attain American energy independence,” according to a media release from Gordon’s office.

At the press conference in Louisiana, Republican governors detailed a joint letter sent to the Biden Administration that called for immediate action to address the harmful impacts of Biden’s energy policies which are costing American taxpayers $1.37 trillion and weakening America’s energy security.

In the joint letter, the governors list practical, commonsense steps the Biden Administration can take immediately to allow free markets to flow, adopt an all-of-the-above homegrown energy plan, and ensure America’s energy independence and security.

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