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Gordon Holds Off on Congragulating Biden Until Win is Official

After what was silence from Wyoming elected officials, Governor Mark Gordon is the first to speak out about the 2020 presidential election results, and it was not with a congratulations to the presumed president-elect Joe Biden.

The elected official has decided not to congratulate either Vice President Joe Biden or President Donald Trump because the Electoral College has not declared a victor.

“Americans always want to be confident that their vote was counted and that the voting process was correct, accurate and conducted with care,” Gordon tweeted out on Wednesday night. “Our country should ensure every legal vote is counted properly. When a result is confirmed congratulations for the winner will be in order.”

However various medias have named an official winner, it will be the Electoral College that gets everything set in stone.

Each state has a number of electors based on population and on Dec. 14th those electors will vote for whoever won that state. Wyoming has three electoral votes, and all three of those are sworn to President Trump because he won Wyoming.

On Jan. 6th, after the electoral votes are sent to Congress, they will gather and announce the official winner of the 2020 presidential election.

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