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Free Seeds Distribution for Cody-grown Food

Social distancing is well in effect, but several entities have banned together to offer something small that might make your isolation easier.

The Park County Extension, the Cody Conservation District and private donors are all offering free garden seeds for anyone who might want to grow their own food. Bobbie Holder, the horticulturalist for the Extension says they want to get as much food growing in as many yards as possible as soon as possible. This isn’t being done to start new industries, but grow opportunities for sharing and more community exchange.

Gardening is one of many things that can still be done during social distancing that can simultaneously relieve stress and get you outdoors without endangering anyone with the spread of the virus. The seeds will be distributed on a first-come, first-serve basis. Holder is eager to share any growing tips and help select the ideal seeds for your particular skill set or location.

If you’re interested in receiving seeds and growing food in your garden, contact Bobbie Holder at 307-527-8560 or


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