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Forward Cody wants to Bring ‘Em Back Home

There might be a Christmas present you can give to Cody – Bring ‘em Back Home.

That’s the name of the new effort Forward Cody plans to pursue in 2020. The prosperity and success of Cody depends on everyone in our community, including those who may not be living here today. James Klessens, CEO of Forward Cody, explains that Cody’s future lies in its families, and bringing our children back to make Cody their personal and professional home once again.

Klessens encourages anyone looking to relocate to Cody or hoping someone will relocate to Cody to contact him directly. He will help them find industries and employers based on their specific skill sets.

Bring ‘em Back Home is not just an idle idea; Klessens and Forward Cody will be putting significant effort into reintegrating Cody’s current and former youth into the future. They plan to attend high school reunions and will sponsor community events if their goal is outreach to former Cody residents.

Having skilled professionals is becoming increasingly important as Cody attracts more industry and companies. And when it comes to hiring good people, sometime its best to start from within.

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