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Former WY Lawmaker Liz Cheney Launches A New Attack Ad Against Trump

Former Wyoming Representative, Liz Cheney, is launching a new attack ad in New Hampshire that cautions voters to not vote for former President Donald Trump who is running for the Republican nomination in 2024.

“Donald Trump has proven he is unfit for office.  Donald Trump is a risk America can never make again,” Cheney voices in the video as clips show the January 6th, 2021 insurrection on the U.S. Capitol.  Cheney was on the committee that investigated the attack, and vocalized her position about circumstances surrounding the 2020 election.  Trump lost the election to now-President Joe Biden.

“Donald Trump is the only president in American history who has refused to guarantee the peaceful transfer of power. He lost the election and he knew it. He betrayed millions of Americans by telling them the election was stolen. He ignored the rulings of dozens of courts,” she says in the video.

“Rather than accept his defeat, he mobilized a mob to come to Washington and march on the Capitol. Then, he watched on television while the mob attacked law enforcement, invaded the Capitol and hunted the vice president,” Cheney’s voice can be heard on the video.

Cheney has fueled speculation that she might run for president in 2024, but hasn’t announced yet.  She was ousted from her leadership position in the House as the Number 3  Republican after denying Trump’s claims that the 2020 election was rife with fraud.  She was later defeated in the Wyoming primary for re-election last year.  Representative Harriet Hageman, who was backed by Trump, won the seat in a landslide.

Hageman reacted to the video by saying, “there is one person who Republican voters wish would go away, and it’s not Donald Trump. It’s Liz Cheney.” Hageman added that she thinks Cheney has a “personal vendetta” against the 45th president.

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