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Death Threats the Topic of Wyoming Football Season Ending Presser

Wyoming Football

Some language might not be suitable for all audience

Sports, they can bring out the best in us but also the worst. The Wyoming Cowboys closed out the 2020 season last weekend, a season unlike any other. While it wasn’t an incredibly successful season on the field, the Cowboys finished a mere 2-6 on the season, through all the battles both on and off the field I personally believed it was a successful season for the players since they got to play. Due to COVID it was unsure if they would even get a season and after initially being shutdown the Mountain West was able to play a condensed schedule. Any time athletes get to compete and do what they love, it’s successful. They play for them, no one else. Some people don’t view it that way.

On Sunday, Wyoming quarterback Levi Williams sent out a tweet that he had received death threats.

Thank you to all Wyoming fans for supporting us through this season. COVID and injury’s made this my hardest season yet. I would also like to say thank you to my enemy’s, every death note and every piece of hate mail has lit a fire that will burn this off season. IM AWAKE…”

I don’t care how bad a team or player plays, this isn’t right. They’re out their busting their tails, trying to do the best they can. By no means should anyone, let alone a college kid receive a death threat or any kind of threat for that matter. They’re playing a sport, a game. Don’t like how they perform, lets see you do better, or better yet just keep your mouth shut.

On Monday, during his season ending press conference Wyoming head coach Craig Bohl said he wasn’t aware of the threats but addressed the topic. “I’d like to say, hey, if you want to come after somebody, come after me,” a visibly upset Bohl said. “I just I’m so discouraged. That is, that is so disappointing. I know, we have a great number of fans out there. But you know, sometimes these guys forget that this is a college game.”

You know what? Go get after Josh Allen,” he continued. “See how far you go. Josh wasn’t perfect when he was here. And so that’s where I think we’ve really got to be cautious … So, that’s disappointing. These guys come to this program and they’re doing everything they can. It’s not like Levi’s out there trying to screw up. So, I was not aware of it. I’m not a social media guy. But that that really, really disappoints me. Really, just, it’s discouraging.”

Bohl touched on several subjects during his end of the season presser and circled back to people coming after his players.

What our players don’t deserve is some of that jack— who makes those kind of comments about Levi Williams,” a frustrated Bohl said. “… I go knocking on that guy’s door whip his butt, right now.”

That is a bunch of baloney. That just pisses me off when I heard that.”

Back in March former Poke Tyler Vander Waal shared an open letter where he too, had received death threats. One that stuck out following the Washington State game a few years ago was a message saying

You f—— suck, go kill yourself.’

Other vulgar messages aimed at wide receiver Ayden Eberhardt and running back Trey Smith were shared on Twitter Monday. Neither contained a threat.

Next time you watch a game at either the college level, or high school level take a moment to acknowledge these are kids and they are doing their best. Take a moment to watch the opposing team, recognize the hard work that he or she is putting in. Clap when they do something well, go up to them and say nice job. Be a good person.

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