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Cody Temps Sizzling … and It’s Only June

Cody had back-to-back record-high temperatures this week.

It reached 100 degrees on Monday, June 14 (old record, 98 degrees in 1918), and 99 on Tuesday, June 15 (93 in 1931), according to Tim Troutman, warning coordination meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Riverton.

Troutman was the guest Wednesday morning on KODI’s “Speak Your Piece with Darian Dudrick.”

“It’s amazing, this early … the 14th of June and already 100 degrees,” Troutman said. “Usually, we don’t get anything close to this until about the second or third week of July.”

Troutman added, 102 degrees in 1985 is the all-time high for any day in Cody.

He also explained why 90-plus – especially 100-plus – temperatures are rare in Cody.

Troutman and Dudrick also talked about the three-month weather outlook for Cody – above-normal temperatures and below-normal precipitation – which would likely result in an active fire season.

Listen to the show here: here

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